Staying connected to school, kindergarten and learning
Supports available at school and kindergarten
Students with disabilities and additional learning needs
Learning at home and in hospital
VCE, VCE Vocational Major and senior pathways
Returning to school or kindergarten
Links and resources
Kindergarten Support Recommendations for Families
A useful checklist to share and discuss with your child's kindergarten as you prepare to enrol or return.
Read about the kindergarten-based supports that may be available for your child and take a copy when you meet with your child's educators and coordinators.
Primary Support Recommendations for Families
A useful checklist to share and discuss with your child's primary school as you prepare to enrol or return.
Read about the school-based supports that may be available for your child and take a copy when you meet with your child's teachers and coordinators.
Secondary Support Recommendations for Families
A useful checklist to share and discuss with your child's secondary school as you prepare to enrol or return.
Read about the school-based supports that may be available for your child and take a copy when you meet with your child's teachers and coordinators.
Department of Education Victoria
Information, advice and policies for families enrolled in government schools and kindergartens.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Curriculum frameworks and information for students undertaking the VCE or the VCE Vocational Major (VM)
Literacy and English
Department of Education guide for parents supporting their child's
literacy development at home.
Department of Education guide for parents supporting their child's numeracy development
at home.
Ronald McDonald Learning Program
A national program that assists school-aged children with serious illnesses and injuries to catch up on missed education following treatment and recovery.
RCH Kids Health Info
Fact sheets to share with your school or kindergarten about your child's health condition.
A phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old provided by the Department Families, Fairness and Housing.
Online safety
for parents and carers to help their children stay safe online, provided by the Australian Government eSafety Commissioner
Raising Children Network
Evidence based parenting and education advice.
Better Health Channel – Coping at School
Advice for managing a chronic illness at school.
Online Education Resources for Kindergarten Students
A list of learning resources, compiled by RCH Education Institute teachers, that can be accessed at home or in hospital while your child is away from kindergarten.
Online Education Resources for Primary Students
A list of learning resources, compiled by RCH Education Institute teachers, to keep your child engaged in learning while they are away from school.
Online Education Resources for Secondary Students
A list of learning resources, compiled by RCH Education Institute teachers, to support your child's studies while they are away from school.